I suffer from a condition I call "chronic lateness". If you invite me somewhere I'll be late. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I'll be late to my own funeral. If you plan on attending, I apologize in advance. My condition is more pronounced in the morning. On most weekdays I am in a total whirlwind before 7AM. Let me be clear though, this is a time management issue, not a late sleeper issue. People always tell me to get up earlier, as if that would somehow cure my condition. If I wake up 5 minutes before I need to leave the house I can be dressed and ready to go in 10 minutes. If I wake up 2 hours before I need to leave I can get all caught up on Facebook, play a little Candy Crush, read the local news, finally figure out which Kardashian is which, and 2 hours later I will find myself thinking "Oh crap, I should probably be getting ready."
Due to this condition, I don't often find myself with time to spare in the mornings. Specifically I don't have time for breakfast. For a long time this meant my breakfast came from a fast food drive-through. Until I decided to try Shakeology. It is quick to whip up, and I can easily take it with me on the go. Many people have heard me talk about Shakeology, have seen me drinking it, or have seen me post about it on Facebook. People often ask me questions about Shakeology, and I love talking about the benefits of drinking it. Until somebody inevitably asks the dreaded question:
Does it work?
This is the point in the conversation where I need to bite my tongue from saying what I really want to say. "Does it work? Nope! That lazy powder does nothing but sit in a bag all day. I, on the other hand, work my ass off."
Now this just doesn't happen with Shakeology, I've also heard people ask the same thing about Weight Watchers, various diets, Zumba, and other popular workouts. And its usually followed up by "Because I tried (insert random diet/workout here) but it didn't work." I've come to learn (the hard way) that none of these things work. In order to get results I am the one that needs to work. I need to work at planning my meals. I need to work at controlling my cravings and resisting the temptation to eat things that are going to make me feel like crap. I need to work on getting my butt off the couch and exercise. No magic powder, or meeting, or weight loss pill is going to do anything for me.
So no. It doesn't work.
We've had this conversation before and I love it. It's hard to change and people would prefer a magic pill. I love your "Nope it just sits in the bag all day while I work my ass off". You're so right. Sometimes we share a brain.
ReplyDeleteThere's nobody else I would rather share a brain with ❤️