Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pick Your Battles

Even though I just started on this journey fairly recently, I feel like I have learned a lot in a short amount of time.  I’ve learned that when I eat crap, I feel like crap.  And when I’m sluggish and immobile, my body wants to stay sluggish and immobile.  On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve learned that when I eat real, whole foods my body feels wonderful. When I move, and dance, and strength train my body feels amazing – physically and mentally.  And I’m so excited by all of these amazing things I’ve learned that I want to share them with the world.  I love when a friend asks to join me in a workout, or asks me to share some nutrition tips.  I love being around other people who are on this journey with me. Whether in my personal or professional life, I love being able to support others, encourage their progress, and celebrate their success. 
Although I was not at FitBloggin’, I learned a lot about tough love from the truly amazing Mrs. Fatass .   This concept is something that I wholeheartedly believe in.  Although we may believe we are being encouraging and uplifting, it turns out we may actually be enabling some bad decisions.  When somebody says “I’ll get back to the gym tomorrow, I just needed a rest day” it’s OK to gently remind them they’ve actually been on a rest week, and perhaps it’s best to start back today. When somebody makes a bad food choice we need to remind them that they don’t even have to wait until tomorrow to make better choices, they’re actually allowed to start right now!
But just like everything else in life, I’ve learned that tough love is best in moderation.   Because no matter how supportive I am, and no matter how much I want to share my wisdom and help others, the truth is some people just don’t want to be helped. Recently, I saw a post on Facebook from somebody claiming that they lost weight by taking some pills, and they made sure to specifically mention that they didn’t have to exercise or change their diet.  And it just struck me on so many levels.  So my first instinct was to change her mind.  To warn her of the dangers of the pills, and to encourage her to work out with me.  And it didn’t work.  And I was heartbroken.  Because I want to help everyone! And it was a big kick in the pants for me to realize that not everyone wants my help. 

 Some people are going to take pills.  Some people are going to eat nothing but 100 calorie packs of processed crap and frozen meals full of chemicals.  Some people are going to eat a full day’s worth of calories in fast food and consider it OK, as long as they are under their goal.  Some people will refuse to work out, or severely restrict calories.  But it turns out that’s not my battle. I can provide facts, and give advice, and provide support, but at some point I'm just going to have to accept that they are only going to believe what they want to believe.  I can't spend time and negative energy fighting a losing battle.  All I can do is continue to give my encouragement and support to those who want it.  



    Words to live by. Totally needed to hear that. And will need to be reminded of it.

    1. Definitely. Especially because there are so many people out there so invested in their way of doing things that they want to be missionaries for it before they have even lost their own excess weight -- and more importantly, maintained that loss for a while.

      I have plenty to do with managing my own life!
